On Guard! Temptation is a Battlefield

(Click, tap, or hover over the reference to read the verse.)

He stood his ground with his feet planted. There was no way of knowing when the enemy would attack. His eyes were wide and watchful. His radio was fastened to his side. He used it frequently throughout the night to maintain contact with the home base. He was trained well. His body was fit. The plans were ready in his mind in case of an attack.


As Christians, we are soldiers in a war — a spiritual war. The enemy (Satan) is lurking around every corner trying to keep us from growing in Christ and leading productive lives full of joy and peace. The enemy will tempt us. An important thing to remember though is that temptation is not a sin. Jesus also experienced temptation.

Mark 1:13

Temptation becomes a sin only when we give in to it. There are a number of factors that make us vulnerable to the attack of the devil in the area of temptation.

Why do we give in?

How do we avoid temptation?

Snoozing on the Job

Be on Your Guard

Matthew 26:40

2 Peter 3:17

A soldier must always stay awake and alert on his watch. If he doesn’t, he could be taken by surprise. If no one is on guard watching, the enemy can sneak in and do his damage.

Why do we give in?

How do we avoid temptation?

Unfit for Service

Matthew 26:41


Matthew 6:13

A soldier must keep his body fit. That includes exercise, healthy eating, and plenty of rest. We don’t think of taking care of our bodies as spiritual, but when we are tired, we are more open to attack. In addition, a soldier also keeps in contact with the home base on his radio. He makes use of all his resources. He knows he can’t fight the war alone. We can’t either. God is always waiting to go to the front lines for us. Satan can defeat one person, but he cannot stand against the armies of heaven.

Why do we give in?

How do we avoid temptation?

No Root

Luke 8:13

Know the Word

Luke 8:15

When someone is fighting, if his feet are not planted with a solid stance, he will be easily knocked down. We have no root to hold us firm in a battle if we don’t know the word. The word of God is our sword. When Satan tempted Jesus, He fought back WITH the word of God! “It is written…” A soldier wouldn’t think of going to battle without his weapon. Neither should a Christian fight temptation without the two-edged sword that is the Word of God!

2 Peter 3:17-18

Praying, reading/studying the word, and watching/guarding are all action words. 2 Peter 3:14 uses the word “diligent.” Luke 8:15 uses the word persevere. Avoiding temptation takes an effort on our part.

The hope:

You will never be tempted beyond what you are able! Be on guard! Pray! Know the word!

I Corinthians 10:13

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