Gift That Keeps on Giving – Birth of Jesus

(Click, tap, or hover over the reference to read the verse.)

One Christmas my parents gave me a gift to open. Before I opened it, they told me that it was a "gift that keeps on giving." I couldn't imagine what it could be. When I opened the package, I discovered a cell phone. They called it the gift that keeps on giving, because they intended to pay the bill each month to maintain the service on the phone.

Prophecies Fulfilled in the Birth of Jesus

Christmas is a time for giving. Not all gifts keep on giving, but there is one gift for everyone that does keep on giving. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, as a gift to the World.
Luke 2:10-11

Most of us have probably heard the story of the birth of Jesus, but what some may not realize is that His birth, right down to the last detail, was a fulfillment of hundreds of Old Testament prophecies. These prophecies were written between 1450 BC and 430 BC. Manuscripts have been found to prove they were written at least 400 – 1000 years before He was born.

It would be difficult enough to predict something 5 years away let alone 4-15 centuries, especially with the degree of detail and 100% accuracy. It would also be impossible for someone to PLAN to fulfill all the prophecies. The prophecies speak of so many details about the timing, bloodline, location, and circumstances of the birth of Jesus. Who but God alone could plan such things?

Here are just some of the old testament prophecies concerning the birth of Jesus. Along with each prophecy, is a new testament reference where the prophecy is fulfilled.

1. Genealogy – Prophecies Fulfilled in the Bloodline of Jesus

The Seed of Abraham (Promised Blessing):

Old Testament Prophecy: Genesis 22:18
New Testament Fulfillment: Acts 3:25

The Seed of Isaac (Son of God – Savior):

Old Testament Prophecy: Genesis 21:12
New Testament Fulfillment: Matthew 1:2

Jacob (King of the Jews):

Old Testament Prophecy: Genesis 28:13-14 | Numbers 24:17, 19
New Testament Fulfillment: Luke 1:31-33

Out of the Tribe of Judah (Victorious Ruler):

Old Testament Prophecy: Micah 5:2
New Testament Fulfillment: Revelation 5:5

Born in the Family of Jesse (Messianic King – Eternal King):

Old Testament Prophecy: Isaiah 11:1
New Testament Fulfillment: Acts 13:22-23

Born in the House of David (King):

Old Testament Prophecy: Jeremiah 23:5-6
New Testament Fulfillment: Matthew 1:1

2. Location – Prophecies Fulfilled where Jesus was born

Born in Bethlehem:

Old Testament Prophecy: Micah 5:2
New Testament Fulfillment: Luke 2:4-7

3. Events – Prophecies Fulfilled surrounding the Birth of Jesus

Worshipped and Presented gifts by Kings:

Old Testament Prophecy: Psalm 72:10-11
New Testament Fulfillment: Matthew 2:11

Worshipped by Shepherds:

Old Testament Prophecy: Psalm 72:9
New Testament Fulfillment: Luke 2:15-16

Weeping for the Children

Old Testament Prophecy: Jeremiah 31:15
New Testament Fulfillment: Matthew 2:16

Flight to Egypt

Old Testament Prophecy: Hosea 11:1
New Testament Fulfillment: Matthew 2:13-14

4. Fully Man | Fully God – Prophecies Fulfilled About the Person of Jesus

Born of a Woman (Baby/Man):

Old Testament Prophecy: Genesis 3:15
New Testament Fulfillment: Galatians 4:4 | Philippians 2:6-7 | Luke 2:7

Born of a Virgin (God):

Old Testament Prophecy: Isaiah 7:14
New Testament Fulfillment: Matthew 1:18

He will be called Lord:

Old Testament Prophecy: Psalm 110:1
New Testament Fulfillment: Luke 2:11

He is the Son of God:

Old Testament Prophecy: Psalm 2:7
New Testament Fulfillment: Luke 3:22 (Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11)

These are only a few of the prophecies concerning the birth of Jesus. There are so many prophecies that the probability of someone fulfilling them all is very unlikely. It would be impossible for someone to choose or decide to fulfill them. How could someone decide in what family to be born? How could they plan to be born in Bethlehem even though the family they chose lived in Galilee? This could have only been God. He was able because:

  • He already existed before His earthly appearance.
  • He already knew what was going to happen when He spoke the words through the Old Testament prophets.

The Bible tells us in  Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23 that His name was to be Immanuel – God with us. Once we disobeyed God (in the Garden of Eden) we could no longer get to Him, so God chose to come to us. This was indeed the greatest gift ever. In fact, it still is the greatest gift, because it is a “gift that keeps on giving.” His birth is only the beginning. His life, death, resurrection, and the hope of His return are all part of the gift.

This series will continue with prophecies fulfilled in the life of Jesus.

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